Marketing in South Africa - Consumer landscape: concepts and cases 4/e
South Africa, its economy and its consumers are different in many ways. Feedback from both the academic world and the marketplace points to the fact that marketing strategies cannot simply be transposed from one country to the next. Accepted approaches to marketing in developed and other developing countries often do not achieve the same success here. Marketing in South Africa provides a window into the South African consumer landscape, approaching marketing concepts in a distinctly South African way.
For the first time, Marketing in South Africa gives specific details of the UCT Unilever Institute of Strategic Marketing’s consumer segmentation model. This feature is supported by almost 30 top academic and marketing practitioners who give a unique and innovative look at some of South Africa’s most challenging marketing issues. In addition, over 20 case studies, many of which emanate from the UCT Unilever Institute’s ongoing research over the last 17 years, allow students and practitioners to appreciate how best to apply principles to this diverse market. The book includes links to video clips from the UCT Unilever Institute as well as other advertisements and YouTube clips.
Marketing in South Africa can be used by undergraduate students, postgraduate students and practitioners in the arenas of strategic marketing, consumer behaviour, marketing communications, salesmanship and market research.
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