Teaching Strategies for Quality Teaching and Learning 2nd Ed.
roduct Details:
Author(s): | Killen, R |
Page count: | 440 |
ISBN: | 9781485102489 |
Languages(s): | English, |
Year Published: | 2010 |
Categories: | Education, Academic, Academic, Academic, |
Type: |
About this publication
Teaching Strategies for Quality Teaching and Learning is a practical guide to quality teaching and learning in South African schools.
The book provides an introduction to the principles of effective teaching and learning, with special reference to how these principles can be applied within the framework of South Africa’s National Curriculum Statement Grades R–12.
It gives detailed guidelines for using nine broad teaching strategies that have proven to be effective across all phases of school. The final chapter introduces the principles of quality assessment and links these to the National Protocol for Assessment Grades R–12.
- Chapter 1: Understanding the national curriculum statement
- Chapter 2: Foundations for effective teaching and learning
- Chapter 3: A framework for quality teaching and learning
- Chapter 4: Planning for quality teaching and learning
- Chapter 5: Reflecting on quality teaching and learning
- Chapter 6: Using direct instruction as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 7: Using discussion as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 8: Using small-group work as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 9: Using co-operative learning as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 10: Using problem solving as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 11: Using inquiry as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 12: Using case study as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 13: Using role play as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 14: Using writing as a teaching strategy
- Chapter 15: Assessment principles
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