Academic Literacy for Law Students, 1st edition
Product Details:
Author(s): | van Wyk, A,Potgieter, M |
Page count: | 256 |
ISBN: | 9781485122340 |
Languages(s): | English, |
Year Published: | 2016 |
Categories: | Education, Academic, Academic, Academic, |
Type: |
About this publication
The first year of legal studies can be daunting. In addition, many first-year students entering university find studying in English, which is their second-language, very difficult. Studies have proved that some L2 students come to university ill-prepared to deal with the complex academic language required to access their content areas.
Thus the aim of this book is to provide first-year, law students with practical opportunities of gaining the communicative skills needed in the academy. The text focuses on academic reading, writing, speaking and listening, with an emphasis on reading.
Section 1: Why study law?
Section 2: Language, literature and law
Section 3: Law in society
Section 4: South African sources of law
Section 5: Law and democracy
Section 6: International law
FIRAC lessons
Interest / Benefit to
1st year undergraduate law students.
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