Traditional Stories
Two original traditional stories for children from 8-10 years old to enjoy. The first is about a girl who cleverly tricks a giant and the second is about a king who loses count of his money.
Two original traditional stories for children from 8-10 years old to enjoy. The first is about a girl who cleverly tricks a giant and the second is about a king who loses count of his money. Wanjiro and the Giant - In a beautifully illustrated story we see how a wicked giant catches little Wanjiro and puts her into a sack. Before he can eat her up she insists that he finds salt and onions to make her taste better. Can you guess what happens to the giant when she puts rocks into the sack to trick him? All the King's Men. The king in this story trusts his officials to count his money. Guess what they all get up to in this cumulative story. Counting and keeping track of what each one does with the money is part of the fun in this unusual story. How much money do you think the king will end up with? Both boys and girls can read this book themselves guided by the colourful pictures and simple text. Readers can find out what difficult words mean in the glossary. Teachers and parents alike can use the varied questions at the back of this Read for Tomorrow reader to discover how well the book was understood
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