The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in discrete lessons.
The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).
The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in discrete lessons. In each lesson the learners will:
Establish what they already know about a topic
Learn new facts about a topic
Practise using the new knowledge, concepts and skills they have acquired in the lesson.
In addition, learners are provided with:
Additional homework activities
Extra practice activities that cater for both learner support and enrichment
A summary of a cycle of work. A cycle may consist of one or more weeks’ work.
The Solutions for all Learner’s Books are supported by the Solutions for all Teacher’s Guides and Solutions for all Core Readers, for Language programmes. These programmes provide everything the teacher and learners need to master subjects taught in the Senior Phase: a complete solution for the classroom.
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