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Political Parties in Africa

Political Parties in Africa

  • R 250.00
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Democratic governance systems need strong and well- established parties to channel the demands of citizens, govern in the public good and satisfy the basic needs of societies. Moreover, political parties are crucial actors in aggregating and articulating interests, recruiting leaders, presenting election candidates and developing competing policy proposals that provide a voice to citizens and a choice of different proposals for the processes and procedures through which society is governed. To fulfil these functions, however, trust in how the political system functions – and in political parties as cogs in this machine of government in particular – is critical. Citizens need to provide their consent (usually through electoral processes) to political parties to be their voice – and need to trust the alternative choices that parties provide them. But across the African continent, political parties appear to be suffering a malaise of low levels of confidence and trust that citizens have in them, notwithstanding the monumental changes taking place amongst citizen attitudes, especially recent trends towards greater direct political action. This edited volume contributes to critical discourse on politics, democratisation and political parties across the continent, and makes a constructive contribution to a political system malaise by suggesting a set of normative benchmarks for more open and democratic political and party systems, as well as more effective political party institutional establishment and organisation. The book is simultaneously a critical voice and constructive problem solver.

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