Oxford Bolela Sepedi Grade 3 Reader 2
"This series is designed to support learners whose access to Sepedi is limited. The course sets high standards to ensure growing confidence in learning Sepedi.
Naa ba rekile eng toropong?
Tate le bašemane ba ile toropong. Bala o ikhweletše gore ba rekile eng toropong.
Dad and the boys went to town. Read and find out what they bought in town.
Lerato sekolong
Naa o dira eng sekolong? Bala o ikhweletše ka ga letšatši la mathomo la Lerato sekolong.
What do you do at school? Read and find out about Lerato’s day at school.
Karabo o Durban
Naa ke lefelo lefe leo o dumago go le etela? Karabo o etela Durban moo boso e lego bja go fiša. Bala ka ga seo Karabo a se dirilego Durban.
Which place would you like to visit? Karabo is visiting Durban and the weather is hot. Read about what Sinethemba does in Durban..
Legotlo le dihla
Naa ke sehla sefe seo o se ratago kudu? E ka ba dira eng ka sehla seo? Bala o ikhweletše gore k e sehla sefe seo se ratwago kudu ke Legotlo.
Which is your best season? What do you do in that season? Read and find out which is Mouse’s best season."
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