Headstart Life Skills Grade 2 Learner's Book (Sepedi) Headstart Mabokgoni a tša Bophelo Kreiti ya 2 Puku ya Moithuti (CAPS)
Headstart Life Skills is an easy-to-use course with a simple step-by-step approach that ensures CAPS coverage. The series is used and trusted by teachers to lay a solid foundation for learner progression across the Foundation Phase, and offers comprehensive CAPS coverage of the four Life Skills study areas. Stay a step ahead with Headstart Life Skills
- Content is structred in bite-sized chunks with step-by-step coverage and pacing of concepts and topics.
- Full colour artwork throughout.
- Varied activities allow for practice and consolidation.
- Accessible language and additional language support assures each learner a chance to do well.
- A term-based structure in this book is supported by termly opportunities for written assessment (as required by CAPS).
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