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Best Books Graad 1 Huistaal Gegradeerde Leesreeks Vlak 4 Boek 1: Lee gaan maan toe

Best Books Graad 1 Huistaal Gegradeerde Leesreeks Vlak 4 Boek 1: Lee gaan maan toe

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The Best Books Graded Reading Series for Grades 1 to 3 Home Language has been developed by the authors of the New All-In-One series to suit the learner’s

  • language ability
  • developmental stage
  • life experiences
  • field of interests and
  • sense of humour.

The aim of the series is to encourage young readers to read for pleasure taking into consideration his/her visual span, phrasing ability, life experiences/knowledge of the world/general knowledge, word comprehension, sight word vocabulary and phonic knowledge.

Each reader comprises sight words that form part of the reader’s content and includes language activities.

The reading series consists of 16 readers per grade. It is written according to four levels (from easy to difficult). The readers of a level show clear progression in terms of content, word choice, sentence structure and vocabulary. Some learners in Grade 1 can read books in other advanced levels depending on the learners’ reading ability.

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