Superior Court Practice, Erasmus (2nd Edition) (Loose-leaf)
Product Details:
Author(s): | Bertelsmann, E,Van Loggerenberg, DE |
Page count: | 2576 |
Languages(s): | English, |
Year Published: | 2015 |
Categories: | Civil Procedure, Law, Law, Law, |
Type: |
About this publication
Erasmus Superior Court Practice has over the past 50 years (since the release of its predecessor, Nathan, Barnett and Brink Uniform Rules of Court) established itself as the leading and most indispensable authority in its field.
The Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013 and the Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act brought profound change to the field of civil practice in the Superior Courts. The second edition of this acclaimed work comprises unrivalled clause-by-clause commentary on the new Superior Courts Act as well as the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and Uniform Court Rules, and interprets provisions with reference to judgments in which they have been considered. It also features extensive discussions of important related subjects.
Erasmus Superior Court Practice is updated bi-annually to incorporate all changes arising from statutory amendments, as well as judgments handed down by the Superior Courts.
Volume 1 - D E van Loggerenberg; Constitutional Court parts revised by E Bertelsmann
- Excerpts from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
- Constitutional Court Complementary Act 13 of 1995, section 16
- Comparative table of sections and subjects
- Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013
- Description of an area of jurisdiction of a lower or superior court
- Statutory limitations on civil proceedings
- Constitutional Court Rules and Directives
- Supreme Court of Appeal Rules and Directives
Volume 2 - D E van Loggerenberg
- Uniform Rules of Court
- Appendices:
- Timetable – times allowed for various applications
- Regulations governing the administration of an oath or affirmation
- Tariff of allowances payable to witnesses in civil cases
- Costs in general
- Discussions of interdicts, mandamenten van spolie, Anton Piller orders and evictions under the PIE Act
Volume 3 - D E van Loggerenberg
- Practice directives of the Chief Justice
- Practice directives for the various divisions of the High Court
- Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act 105 of 1983 and rules
- Rules and Practice directives of the Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, Land Claims Court, Competition Appeal Court and Electoral Court
- Rules of procedure for application to court in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
- Rules of procedure for judicial review of administrative action
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