Product Details:
Author(s): | Parsons, S (General Editor); Carpenter, R; Mabutha, R; Steenkamp, L; Ungerer, M; Becker, A; Singh, D (Contributing Authors) |
Page count: | 468 |
ISBN: | 9781998962150 |
Languages(s): | English, |
Year Published: | 2023 |
Categories: | Accounting, Taxation, Academic, Academic, |
Type: |
About this publication
Advanced Questions on SA is the third and final publication in the Question on SA Tax series designed to provide comprehensive tutorial coverage to taxation students. This book covers advanced topics and integrated questions. Its complementary publications, Introductory Questions on SA Tax and Questions on SA Tax, cover foundational topics and those typically dealt with in the study of tax at an undergraduate level.
This tutorial book includes questions and selected solutions on South African income tax, estate duty and value-added tax. Up-to-date questions are graded, allowing students to develop their abilities from an introductory to an advanced level.
A selection of tutorial solutions is included in the book, and solutions to all questions are provided to lecturers at prescribing institutions. Mark plans are allocated to solutions.
General and trading
Chapter 1: Capital Allowances and Recoupments
Chapter 2: Assessed Losses and Debt Benefits
Chapter 3: Financial Instruments
Chapter 4: Dividends, Foreign Dividends and Dividends Tax
Chapter 5: Fringe Benefits, Allowances and Share Gains
Chapter 6: Employees’ Tax and Provisional Tax
Chapter 7: Retirement Benefits and Planning
Passive income and controlled foreign companies
Chapter 8: Investment Income – Residents and Non-Residents
Capital gains tax
Chapter 9: Capital Gains Tax
Wealth taxes
Chapter 10: Donations Tax and Estate Duty
Chapter 11: Taxation Of Trusts and Estates
Chapter 12: Estate Planning
Value-added tax
Chapter 13: Value-Added Tax
Chapter 14: Tax Avoidance, Administration, Objection and Appeal
Chapter 15: Integrated Questions
Chapter 16: Foundations
Appendix A: Rates and Monetary Limits
Appendix B: Life Expectancy Table
Appendix C: Annuity Table
Note: Selected solutions are included at the end of each chapter.
Interest / Benefit to
Postgraduate taxation students at universities, universities of technology and private HE institutions.
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